Inspired from my status on Facebook:
The prime number 73939133 is very special, if removing each digit from right to left of that number we get another prime numbers: 7393913, 739391, 73939, 7393, 739, 73 and 7.
One of my friends gave a challenge:
Can you write a program reading a number N from keyboard then finding the nearest prime number to N that satisfies the characteristics of 73939133?
As promised him, I would solve this challenge.
In order to find out an algorithm, we try to do some math first.
Suppose p(k) is the prime, satisfies the characteristics of right-truncatable prime, has k digits: a(1), a(2),…,a(k), value of each digit is in set {0, 9}:
\[p(k) = \overline {a(1)a(2)…a(k)}\]
Removes one digit from right to left of the number p(i), with i = 1..k, we get: \[p(k-1) = \overline {a(1)a(2)…a(k-1)}\] \[p(k-2) = \overline {a(1)a(2)…a(k-2)}\] \[…\] \[p(2) = \overline {a(1)a(2)}\] \[p(1) = \overline {a(1)}\]
p(1) is prime number therefore the value of a(1) must be 2, 3, 5 or 7.
Represent the p(k) in base 10, we get:
\[p(k) = 10^{(k-1)}a(1) + 10^{(k-2)}a(2) +…+ 10^1a(k-1) + a(k)\]
\[= 10(10^{(k-2)}a(1) + 10^{(k-3)}a(2)+…+a(k-1)) + a(k)\]
The expression: \[10^{(k-2)}a(1) + 10^{(k-3)}a(2)+…+a(k-1)\] is actually p(k-1), so we get:
\[p(k) = 10p(k-1) + a(k)\]
p(k) is prime therefore a(k) and 10p(k-1), or 25p(k-1), must not have common divisors. This leads to value of a(k) must be 1, 3, 7 or 9.
From above analysis we have an algorithm to find the largest right-truncatable prime:
Algorithm of Finding Largest Right-Truncatable Prime (Input: N)
(1) Let K = number of digits of N
(2) Initialize A = {2, 3, 5, 7}, B = {1, 3, 7, 9}, MAX_PRIME
(3) For i = 2, 3,... up to K:
Let P = empty list, this list stores primes are found for each i
With each a in A
With each b in B:
Calculate p = 10*a + b
If p > n: Exit loop (3)
If p is prime:
Add p to P
If P is empty: Exit loop (3)
Else: Set A = P
(4) Return MAX_PRIME
In step (3), in order to check if a number is prime we can use different algorithms such as: Eratosthenes, Atkin, AKS and Miller-Rabin. I choose Miller-Rabin for testing large input number.
Below is a program I wrote in Python to implement the algorithm. The algorithm can be optimized for more efficient but I leave it for now as an exercise for whom is interested in.
from random import randrange
__author__ = "duydo"
def is_prime(n):
"""Check if n is prime using Miller-Robin test
:param n: a number to test
:return: True if n is prime, otherwise False
def decompose(p):
"""p = 2^k * m"""
k, m = 0, p
while m & 1 == 0:
m >>= 1
k += 1
return k, m
def witness(a, k, m, n):
r = pow(a, m, n)
if r == 1:
return True
for i in xrange(k - 1):
if r == n - 1:
return True
r = pow(r, 2, n)
return r == n - 1
def miller_rabin(n, t=10):
k, m = decompose(n - 1) # n - 1 = 2^k * m
for _ in xrange(t):
a = randrange(2, n - 1)
if not witness(a, k, m, n):
return False
return True
if n == 2:
return True
# n is even?
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
return miller_rabin(n)
def find_largest_right_truncatable_prime(n):
"""Returns largest right-truncatable prime less than or equals n."""
assert n > 0
k = len(str(n))
a = [2, 3, 5, 7]
ak = [1, 3, 7, 9]
max_prime = None
for i in xrange(2, k + 1):
r = []
for u in a:
for v in ak:
pk = 10 * u + v
if pk > n:
if is_prime(pk):
max_prime = pk
if len(r) == 0:
a = r
return max_prime
def main():
n = raw_input('Enter N: ')
rt_prime = find_largest_right_truncatable_prime(int(n))
print 'Largest right-truncatable prime <= N:', rt_prime
if __name__ == '__main__':
Modifies above program a little bit, we can print out all right-truncatable prime numbers:
23, 29, 31, 37, 53, 59, 71, 73, 79, 233, 239, 293, 311, 313, 317, 373, 379, 593, 599, 719, 733, 739, 797, 2333, 2339, 2393, 2399, 2939, 3119, 3137, 3733, 3739, 3793, 3797, 5939, 7193, 7331, 7333, 7393, 23333, 23339, 23399, 23993, 29399, 31193, 31379, 37337, 37339, 37397, 59393, 59399, 71933, 73331, 73939, 233993, 239933, 293999, 373379, 373393, 593933, 593993, 719333, 739391, 739393, 739397, 739399, 2339933, 2399333, 2939999, 3733799, 5939333, 7393913, 7393931, 7393933, 23399339, 29399999, 37337999, 59393339, 73939133
Happy coding <3.