As an Elasticsearch consultant, I often work with different versions of Elasticsearch. To make my developer life easier, I created evm. It allows me to install, remove, test multiple versions easily.


Just download the evm script and make it executable.

sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/evm
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/evm


evm -h                                     Print help information
evm -V                                     Print version information
evm list                                   List all installed ES versions
evm version                                Print the current activated ES version
evm install <version>                      Install a specific ES version
evm use <version>                          Use a specific ES version
evm remove <version>                       Remove a specific ES version if available
evm which [<version>]                      Print path to installed ES version
evm plugin list                            List all installed ES plugins
evm plugin <install|remove> <plugin>       Install or remove an ES plugin
evm start [-c </path/to/config/dir>]       Start ES in the background with a specific config directory (optional)
evm stop                                   Stop ES if it is running
evm status                                 Check if ES is running


evm install 5.3.1                          Install ES 5.3.1
evm use 5.3.1                              Use ES 5.3.1
evm start                                  Start ES node with the default config directory
evm start -c /etc/elasticsearch            Start ES node with /etc/elasticsearch config directory
evm status                                 Print ES running status
evm stop                                   Stop ES if it is running
evm plugin install x-pack                  Install the x-pack plugin
evm plugin remove x-pack                   Remove the x-pack plugin